If you knew anything about things like this its all classfied under Artwork wiether you like it or not that's a fact.
Its CG's are considered Game Art you don't get to decide if its Art thats not your right or place to decide that's the developers and creators say who put hard work an time into these things as well as a Community of millions who support and consider it Art thats all that's required for it to be Art and it's still Censored Art if they are wearing clothing of any kind to cover those area's.
But panties are considered censored no matter how tight they are I could throw on a speedo and walk outside and no one could say a damn thing cause im still covering what is required no matter how tight it is on me. most of the images here come from the Steam version which is rated M for mature not A for Adult while it carries the Nudity tag thats only because the non steam version is uncensored for adults where their are no panties in that version. The images with panties are by all rights censored or the gaming client/source Steam would get nailed hard by the ESRB and its Rating system ect. I can tell you're mad that I pointed that out that it's Art, But thats just because you know I'm right and you either purposely dislike wiki's an games like this an are simply targeting it for your own reasons, Unknown reasons but facts are facts you're are wrong I know this cause theirs tons of other wikia's with worse content and images based of games similar to this yet where were you for those they have been up for years it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together as to why you are really here. Which is why it's censored no ones going to do that to censored images and they wouldn't do it here they'd do it playing the game, Young lady no one uses wikia to fap on censored pictures seriously.